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The new 2023 Pantone fans have finally arrived.

The new 2023 Pantone fans have finally arrived.
2023= 229 new Pantone colors. This means that we now have a total of 2390 colors.
We can see that Pantone books are usually updated every 2 years, which means that one's book should sometimes be replaced to ensure that all the updated colors are included. Since 2021, there have been 1282 new colors added to the books, which highlights the importance of getting one's books replaced. From the 2016 book to the new 2023 versions, there have been a total of 517 new colors added.
In addition to the new colors, it is also recommended to replace the fan every 18 months, as the fans become worn out and affected by the environment in which they are stored. This causes the colors in the fans to become affected and unreliable.

Overview of why you should update your fan:

1- Fading colors - It is inevitable that the colors in your fan will fade over time. This can be due to the influence of light, air, and other conditions in your production. In addition, the paper and ink colors will also be negatively affected by frequent use in daily life.

2- Updates in colors - There are ongoing updates in the Pantone system, which means that you may have a fan that does not contain all the latest colors. If you use an older fan, you risk making printing errors, which would be a greater expense than acquiring the latest updated fan.

3- You comply with the ISO Standard

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