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Pantone guides

PantonevifterPantone fans and Pantone guides

Pantone is the global standard for defining and communicating colours in the graphic arts and textile industries.
A Pantone guide is the "must have" tool for everyone in and around the graphic arts industry.

Pantone colours also just called PMS colours which stands for Pantone Matching System are what is used in the graphic industry.
Pantone guides are created to improve the communication of colours from design, production to finished product.
All to ensure the best possible match between design, samples and the finished print or product.

Pantone has also later created the Fashion and Home (F&H) system, which is today the most widely used system for colour communication in the textile industry.

As an official Pantone distributor, we of course have a large selection of Pantone guides in stock for quick delivery and can certainly also find a Pantone guide to suit your needs.
Pantone guides and products are divided into 10 categories below.
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